For this week’s testing, I made some changes to last week’s Wireframe, including placing the ride mode toggle function that should have been side-by-side with the navigation start page in its secondary page. Because in the test feedback last week, I received more than one feedback that it was too complicated.
I think it’s important to test and get different feedback. During this week’s test feedback, I became aware of an issue I hadn’t noticed before—device selectivity. Because the app is designed for the convenience of cyclists, my focus is to get the information I need through voice without touching my phone. This brings new problems. In high-speed driving, the sound will be seriously disturbed. If you want to avoid it, you must use it with headphones, which I did not consider. First of all, the price of headphones is not cheap, which leads to the limitation of the audience. Audiences with consumption conditions will choose a more secure and stable smart watch as the interface for interaction.
Next time I will think more carefully about the feasibility of the method. On the other hand, in the construction part of the framework, I always get into the misunderstanding of excessive pursuit of comprehensiveness, so as not to consider the order of functions required in actual use.