Brief 04 | Museum of the future

Project 4 is centred on exploring the image of the museum of the future in 2075 and how it might operate.In this project I explored new forms of exhibiting and new ways of navigating online museums.

The museum I was assigned to was The National Science and Media Museum in Bradford.

Preliminary Research

Research 01 -Research on existing museum pavilions and presentation

Firstly, on the first page, I researched the smart interactive installations in the museum. As there is a games festival in the museum in the first half of 2022, many parts of the venue are set up with different types of games for visitors to interact with, as well as VR glasses to wear for the experience, and QR codes that when scanned link the exhibits to the art pavilion in Animal Crossing, a steam game.

The existing interactive installations and the layout of the museums show that interactivity between exhibits and visitors has been given a high priority.

Research 02 -Museum exhibition themes in a nutshell

On the second page, I have summarised the different themes of the exhibitions on each floor of the physical museum, and then briefly analysed the online museum’s web tour format.

Research 03 -Museum key group orientation

On the third page, I wanted to identify the main groups of people who would visit the museum. I targeted children and families as the main audience. The key messages extracted from the reviews of visitors who had visited the museum through Google map, most of them mentioned key words that were suitable for taking children, or for children at different stages of life. Combining this with the text of the images provided on the main museum website and the actual offline venue, the number of visitors with children accounted for around 70% of the visitors.

Research 04 -Thinking based on eight questions

On the fourth page, I have answered and analysed John Stack’s eight key things, and combined this with literature on the future of museums to identify a key direction for future ideas, which is to focus on children and families, and to develop ideas based on a variety of content formats, open spaces, and immersive and fun experiences.

Research 05 – Literature references

The fifth page is based on the above research, and finds some literature in the school’s electronic library that can support the extension of my subsequent ideas. I have taken some key passages and extracted the key words immersion and fun. These two words will be implemented in all my ideas for the future museum.


3 Idears

First 1:

Draft 01 – VR Painting

Firstly, the first idea is to use the technology of vr drawing to simulate a virtual reality environment that can be interacted with the 3d cinema in the venue as well as the gallery. With VR eyes on, interactive drawing can be done interactively through a handle.

Second 2:

Draft 02 – 3D Painting

Secondly, the second idea is that the virtual three-dimensional approach of AR’s augmented reality can be used to scan artworks. This would allow the full exhibit to be seen out of the confines of two-dimensional space and only after human-machine interaction.

For example, in the photo on the right, taken by Kodak in the science Media Museum collection, if the work is displayed with only the background, and the visitor scans it, a three-dimensional figure will appear in the phone, enhancing the sense of virtual reality.

Display – 3D Painting

For this part, I will use a visual effect that I have made to reflect this. Firstly, I have drawn the collection in layers in the form of paintings, after which they are arranged in layers together. Using a 3D spatial effect, the flat painting was made three-dimensional. Secondly, I imported the code so that this image could be detached from the initial machine. This means that when I take a picture with the camera lens of my ipad, with my phone behind it, I can see the image I drew become a 3D image on top of the phone in three dimensions.

Display Video – 3D Painting

Third 3:

Draft 03 – 3D Guid map

The third idea was to re-imagine the presentation of the online museum map. The current map is only graphic and does not give a sense of immersion.

In this section I made an animation to show what I was thinking. I drew the museum in lines from level -1 to level 5 and then used a depth extension effect where the content of the next level can be seen through the hollowing out of the previous level, so that layer by layer it is like a first view into the museum.This enhances the sense of immersion as the museum of the future can be attached to any electronic device.

Display Video – 3D Guid map


When working on the whole project of conceptualising the future of the museum, I think one of the bigger difficulties I encountered was that I had difficulty in thinking completely creatively. A lot of the inspiration is based on existing technology, which may make it easier to implement the project. But this is a vision of the future, and anything is possible in the future, and museums can take on a whole new role beyond the constraints of time, place, medium and so on. In terms of opening up the mind completely, I don’t think I’ve done that, I’ve just done what I can think of at the moment.